Jessica Beebe, soprano
Sahoko Sato Timpone, mezzo
Eric Rieger, tenor
Corey McKern, baritone
Messiah chorus prepared by Dr. Michael Hanawalt, Director of Choral Ensembles, FSU
The sanctuary at Trinity United Methodist Church will be filled with joyous refrains and exultant arias, including the iconic “Hallelujah” Chorus, in this beautiful performance Handel’s Messiah.
Handel | Messiah (Christmas portion) |
Sinfonia | |
Comfort Ye | |
Every Valley | |
And the Glory of the Lord | |
Thus Saith The Lord | |
But Who May Abide | |
And He Shall Purify | |
Behold, A Virgin Shall Conceive | |
O Thou That Tellest | |
For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth | |
The People That Walked in Darkness | |
For Unto Us a Child Is Born | |
Pifa "Pastoral Symphony" | |
There Were Shepherds Abiding in the Field | |
And Lo the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them | |
And Suddenly There was with the Angel | |
Glory to God | |
Rejoice Greatly | |
Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind | |
He Shall Feed His Flock | |
His Yoke is Easy | |
Behold the Lamb of God | |
Behold I Tell You a Mystery | |
The Trumpet Shall Sound | |
Then Shall be Brought to Pass | |
O Death, Where is Thy Sting? | |
He that Dwelleth in Heaven | |
Thou Shalt Break Them | |
Hallelujah |